تفاصيل العمل

Properties and Features of the Script

Email Sending Functionality:

SMTP Configuration: Uses smtplib to connect to Gmail's SMTP server (smtp.gmail.com) over TLS (port 587) for secure email transmission.

Authentication: Authenticates using an email address and an application-specific password (app_password), ensuring secure access to the SMTP server.

Wi-Fi Profile Retrieval:

Wi-Fi Profiles Listing: Retrieves Wi-Fi profiles using the netsh wlan show profiles command through subprocess, capturing the output for further processing.

Error Handling: Implements error handling (subprocess.CalledProcessError) to manage potential issues with subprocess commands, ensuring robust script execution.

Wi-Fi Key Extraction:

Profile-Specific Key Retrieval: Iterates through each Wi-Fi profile extracted from the netsh command output, fetching profile-specific key details using netsh wlan show profile <name> key=clear.

Regular Expressions: Utilizes regular expressions (re) to parse and extract Wi-Fi key information (Key Content), ensuring accurate retrieval of sensitive data.

Email Content Compilation:

IP Configuration: Retrieves system IP configuration (ipconfig command) using subprocess.check_output, appending this information to the email message.

Message Formatting: Formats the email message to include Wi-Fi profile names, their corresponding keys, IP configuration details, and any error messages encountered during the script execution.

Integration and Execution:

Script Execution: Executes the defined functions (get_wifi_profiles, get_wifi_key, send_mail) sequentially to gather Wi-Fi and IP configuration information and send it via email.

Security Considerations: Ensures secure handling of sensitive information (Wi-Fi keys, email credentials) through secure transmission (TLS) and minimal exposure within the script.


This script serves as a practical tool for retrieving Wi-Fi profile information and system IP configuration, encapsulating this data into an email for notification or archival purposes. It leverages subprocess commands for system interaction, regular expressions for data extraction, and SMTP for email transmission, catering to both functionality and security considerations. Future enhancements could include additional error handling improvements, support for different SMTP configurations, and compatibility adjustments for broader deployment scenarios.

ملفات مرفقة

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohamed A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 5
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز