Comprehensive File Encryption and Management Tool (Windows and Linux)

تفاصيل العمل

Properties and Features of PhantomGuard

Encryption and Decryption Capabilities:

Secure Encryption: Utilizes the Fernet symmetric encryption algorithm from the cryptography.fernet module, ensuring robust security for sensitive files.

Efficient Decryption: Allows decryption of files encrypted with the tool, ensuring data accessibility when needed.

User Interface and Interaction:

Command-Line Interface (CLI): Provides a straightforward text-based interface for users to interact with the tool.

Color-Coded Output: Enhances readability and user experience with color-coded messages and prompts.

License Management:

Expiration Notification: Alerts users when their license is approaching expiration, ensuring timely renewal or cessation of use as per license terms.

Date Validation: Validates the current date against a predefined cutoff date to enforce license restrictions.

File and Directory Management:

File Operations: Supports operations like file encryption, decryption, and secure deletion of temporary files.

Directory Handling: Allows users to specify directories for encryption/decryption operations, maintaining organizational structure.

Security Measures:

Key Generation: Generates encryption keys securely using the Fernet.generate_key() method, ensuring keys are cryptographically strong.

Data Integrity: Maintains data integrity throughout encryption and decryption processes, ensuring no loss or corruption of original files.

Error Handling and User Guidance:

Robust Error Handling: Implements error handling mechanisms to manage unexpected situations gracefully, providing informative error messages for troubleshooting.

User Guidance: Offers comprehensive help and instructions (user_help()) for each command, ensuring users understand the tool's capabilities and operation.

Platform Compatibility:

Cross-Platform Execution: Designed to function on Windows operating systems (os module) with potential for future expansion to other platforms.

Environment-Specific Operations: Tailors file operations (shutil) and directory management (os.path) to the user's environment for seamless integration.


PhantomGuard not only provides essential file encryption and management capabilities but also prioritizes security, user experience, and future scalability. By focusing on robust encryption methods, intuitive user interactions, and proactive license management, PhantomGuard aims to meet the needs of security-conscious users while remaining adaptable to evolving technological landscapes.

ملفات مرفقة

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohamed A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 5
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