تفاصيل العمل

Digital Transformation

Theory of Symbiotic Duality (Traditional/Digital)

: Founder of the theory

by Author and E-commerce Engineer Chafaa Belaid Achour, retaining all intellectual property rights for this theory.

The Theory of Symbiotic Duality (Traditional/Digital) does not endorse a complete digital transformation that leads to the disappearance of the original paper-based records. Instead, it emphasizes the necessity of retaining tangible evidence for reference when needed. In this theory, the digital version does not replace the original paper version but rather extends, complements, and assists it, serving as an image in the virtual digital world. Since humans are the creators, the primary evidence remains the paper document, and the digital version cannot fully replace it due to the susceptibility of digital formats to disruptions, software and application errors, or influences from physical factors such as heat, magnetic fields, waves, and gamma radiation, among others.

Definition of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation refers to the process of converting traditional languages, symbols, or signals in their visual, auditory, tactile, wave, electronic, or chemical forms into digital values known as machine language, ranging between (0-1). This transformation uses electronic media capable of accurately capturing the effects of these traditional language forms and converting them into digital values without any change by adding or removing anything to it, attached by a timestamp and the digital creator's fingerprint. It has a digital specialized environment as a platform that serves as expert’s use for developers, including programmers fluent in this digital language, and a graphical platform containing graphic ,shapes and texts that facilitate access to general users of their digital applications in all levels of social, economic, commercial, political, and in all aspects of life

(Pinciples of the Theory of Symbiotic Duality in Digital transformation (Traditional/Digital :

Preserving the Paper Version as Primary Evidence:

The paper version is considered the primary evidence in transactions, while the digital version serves as a complement and assistant.

Applications: Dual archiving, integrated record-keeping systems.

Creating the Paper Version from Digital:

A high-quality paper version of the digital document must be created, suitable for legal use when needed.

Applications: Document management systems that support automatic printing of digital documents.

Simultaneous Documentation:

Every digital transaction should be documented in paper form simultaneously to ensure a valid copy is always available.

Applications: Simultaneous documentation software, dual backup solutions.

Advancing Methods of Creating Paper Versions:

New methods should be developed to improve the quality of paper versions derived from digital versions using modern printing techniques, aiming for complete replication of the traditional original if outside the virtual realm.

Digital Version as an Extension and Assistant:

The digital version is considered a tool that facilitates access to information and supports processes, but it is not a complete replacement for the paper version if the original is traditional.

Applications: Digital archiving solutions, content management systems.

Using this theory, companies and institutions can balance the benefits of digital transformation while maintaining the security and reliability provided by paper documents. This ensures business continuity, effective data and information protection, and compliance with electronic laws and regulations.

The Theory of Symbiotic Duality (Traditional/Digital) views the goals of digital transformation as achieving public and private benefits in a way that does not cause harm or leave negative impacts on the natural and social environment of humans. The primary goal of digital transformation is to improve efficiency, enhance productivity, and provide better services without harming the environment or society.

Achieving Public and Private Benefits:

The theory aims to achieve multiple benefits, including improving quality of life, facilitating access to services and products, and enhancing the efficiency of internal operations within companies and institutions. All this should be done without negatively impacting the natural and social environment.

How Digital Transformation Should be Conducted:

Digital transformation should be conducted within the framework of achieving these goals by adopting technologies and processes that support sustainability and preserve natural resources. It should be implemented in ways that ensure no harm to the environment, such as using renewable energy and reducing the carbon footprint. Additionally, digital transformation should enhance social justice and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from these technological advancements.

Scope and Framework:

The scope of digital transformation should be confined to achieving benefits, whether economic, social, or environmental. Digital transformation should be seen as a means to achieve positive progress and not as an overreach that imposes dominance without considering potential negative repercussions. In other words, digital transformation should be governed by values and standards that ensure a balance between technological advancement and the protection of the environment and society.

Through this balanced perspective, the Theory of Symbiotic Duality (Traditional/Digital) ensures that digital transformation is a tool for improving life and promoting sustainable development without compromising the

environment or human rights, making this approach more inclusive and fair.


Writing date: 01.12.2022

Date of publication: 27/06/2024

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