تفاصيل العمل

I've developed a mobile e-commerce app using Flutter, built with a strong foundation in Clean Architecture.

Application Features

Home: Discover popular categories, brands, and best-selling products all in one place.

️ Categories: Dive into a wide range of categories and subcategories to find exactly what you need.

Wishlist: Save your favorite products for later with ease.

Profile: Manage your account details and update your information hassle-free.

Search: Easily find products or categories with a powerful search feature.

Cart Screen: Keep track of items you've added to your cart and breeze through the checkout process.

ℹ️ Product Details: Get all the information you need about a product, including title, size, color, and price.

Category's Product: Explore products tailored to your selected category.

Technical Stack

Flutter framework for cross-platform development.

Clean architecture for code organization, maintain and scale up.

Bloc/Cubit state management for Manage app's state efficiently, ensuring smooth performance.

Hive database for storing data locally which seamless user experience.

Flutter flavors for Adapting the app for various environments seamlessly.

CI/CD with Firebase App Distribution, Fastlane, and Github Actions for Streamlined the development process by automating workflows and deployments.

Responsive design with Flutter ScreenUtil.

Flutter Offline for checking for network connectivity to handle offline scenarios gracefully.

Shimmer widget to Add a nice touch to loading screens, making transitions smoother.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohamed B.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 4
تاريخ الإضافة
تاريخ الإنجاز