تفاصيل العمل

e-pharmacy Platform :

Authentication (Patient-Pharmacy):

The platform will have two distinct authentication guards: one for patients and another for pharmacies.

Patients and pharmacies will be able to register, log in, and manage their respective accounts.

The authentication system will ensure secure access to the platform's features based on the user's role (patient or pharmacy).

CRUD for Categories and Products:

The platform will have a comprehensive product management system, where pharmacies can create, read, update, and delete product categories and individual products.

Pharmacies will be able to add detailed information about each product, such as name, description, price, availability, and any other relevant details.

The platform will provide an intuitive interface for pharmacies to manage their product catalog effectively.

Favorites Product CRUD:

Patients will be able to add their preferred products to a favorites list.

Patients can view, manage, and remove products from their favorites list.

The platform will keep track of the patients' favorite products, allowing them to easily access and re-order their preferred items.

Cart CRUD Operations:

Patients will be able to add products to their shopping cart, update quantities, and remove items from the cart.

The platform will calculate the total cost of the items in the cart and provide a checkout process for patients to complete their orders.

Patients will be able to view their order history and track the status of their previous purchases.

Chat between Patient and Pharmacy:

The platform will include a real-time chat feature that allows patients to communicate directly with pharmacies.

Patients can ask questions, request information, or provide feedback to the pharmacies, and the pharmacies can respond in a timely manner.

The chat history will be stored and accessible for both patients and pharmacies, enabling them to reference past conversations if needed.

Excel-based Product Upload and Search:

Pharmacies will be able to upload product information in bulk using Excel spreadsheets.

The platform will have the ability to parse and import the product data from the Excel files, streamlining the process of adding new products to the catalog.

Patients and pharmacies will have access to a robust search functionality, allowing them to quickly find products based on various criteria, such as name, category, price, or availability.

This e-pharmacy platform built with Laravel will provide a comprehensive solution for both patients and pharmacies, offering a secure and user-friendly experience. The combination of authentication, product management, favorites, cart, chat, and Excel-based product handling will ensure efficient and seamless operations for the e-pharmacy business.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohamed S.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 7
تاريخ الإضافة
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