تفاصيل العمل

a full-stack E-commerce platform with an Admin Dashboard built from scratch!

Tech Stack Highlights:

Next.js 14: Leveraging the latest features for a smooth user experience.

React: Powering the frontend for dynamic interactivity.

TypeScript: Ensuring robustness and scalability.

Shadcnui + Tailwind CSS: Crafting sleek and responsive designs.

GSAP: Adding engaging animations for a delightful UI.

KindAuth: Securing user authentication seamlessly.

Resend React: Facilitating email sending with ease.

Prisma ORM: Simplifying database operations for efficiency.

MongoDB: Storing data efficiently for fast retrieval.

Uploadthing: Handling image uploads effortlessly.

Zod: Ensuring type safety across the codebase.

Next.js Server Action: Enhancing server-side functionality for better performance.

️ Features:

Full-stack E-commerce: Providing end-to-end solutions for online retail.

Admin Dashboard: Empowering admins with intuitive controls and insights.

Secure Authentication: Prioritizing user data protection with robust authentication mechanisms.

Smooth Animations: Elevating user experience with fluid animations.

Efficient Database Management: Optimizing data handling for seamless operations.

Responsive Design: Ensuring accessibility across various devices.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohamad A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 28
تاريخ الإضافة