تفاصيل العمل

TaskFlow - End-to-End Kanban Board Solution for Task Management!

TaskFlow is a hands-on project aimed at demonstrating various technologies and techniques for building modern web applications. Here's what I used to bring TaskFlow to life:

Tech Stack:

Bun: Leveraging a 10x faster JavaScript runtime for enhanced performance.

Next.js 14: Harnessing the power of Next.js for seamless server-side rendering and SEO optimization.

React: Building a dynamic and interactive user interface.

hello-pangea/dnd: Implementing drag-and-drop functionality for task management.

TypeScript: Ensuring type safety and code integrity.

GSAP: Adding smooth animations for a polished user experience.

Clerk: Integrating secure authentication effortlessly.

Shacnui + Taliwand CSS: Styling the interface with modern CSS frameworks.

Prisma ORM: Streamlining database interactions.

MongoDB: Storing task states and facilitating real-time updates.

TaskFlow allows users to organize tasks efficiently through an intuitive Kanban board interface. With drag-and-drop functionality, tasks can seamlessly transition from Todo to InProgress to Completed, with the state changes reflected in the MongoDB database in real time.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohamad A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 27
تاريخ الإضافة