تفاصيل العمل

The Adventure of the Brave Rabbit tells the story of a little rabbit. A rabbit lives on a quiet farm with his mother and siblings. His mother always warns him not to go out into the forest next to the farm, where ferocious wolves live.

However, the rabbit is very curious and bored inside the farm. One day he decides to go beyond his mother's warnings and go out into the forest to explore. The rabbit goes into the forest and starts exploring the exciting place.

While exploring the forest, the rabbit faces many challenges and dangers, including slipping on an unstable bridge and confronting predators. With every risk he faces, the rabbit shows great courage and strong determination to overcome problems.

In the end, the rabbit reaches a beautiful green area deep in the forest where he discovers the presence of new friends such as squirrels and birds. The rabbit feels happy and happy because of this experience and adventure that he went through.

When it is time to return to the farm, the rabbit leaves the forest and returns to his mother and siblings. Through his adventurous experience, the rabbit realizes the importance of courage, challenge and exploration in life, and promises to be a brave and adventurous rabbit in the future.

This is the summary of the story of the brave rabbit's adventure.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Malk A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 9
تاريخ الإضافة