تفاصيل العمل

Creating an edited gaming video, especially for a game like Valorant, involves several steps:

Gameplay Recording: The first step is to record your gameplay. You can use software like OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) or Nvidia’s ShadowPlay. Make sure to capture high-quality footage and save it in a format that’s easy to edit.

Highlight Selection: After recording, watch the footage and select the highlights. These could be impressive kills, strategic plays, or funny moments. Mark the timestamps of these highlights for easy reference.

Video Editing: Import the footage into a video editing software. Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas Pro, and Final Cut Pro are popular choices. Cut the footage according to the timestamps you marked earlier.

Transitions and Effects: Add transitions between clips for smooth progression. You can also add effects like slow motion or zoom to emphasize key moments.

Audio: Consider adding background music to enhance the viewing experience. Make sure the music doesn’t overpower the game sounds. You can also add voice-over commentary to explain your strategies or thought process during the game.

Titles and Graphics: Add titles, captions, or graphics as needed. This could include your gamer tag, the score, or funny text to accompany humorous moments.

Final Review: Watch the edited video to ensure everything flows well. Check for any errors or improvements that can be made.

Export and Share: Once you’re satisfied with the video, export it in a suitable format. You can then share it on platforms like YouTube or Twitch.

Remember, creating engaging gaming videos takes practice. Keep experimenting with different styles and techniques to find what works best for you.!


Color grading, or color correction, is an important step in video editing that can greatly enhance the look and feel of your video. Here are the general steps on how to edit the colors of a video:

Import Video: Import your video into a video editing software that supports color grading such as Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, or Final Cut Pro.

Create a Color Correction Layer: Create a new adjustment layer or color correction layer. This allows you to apply color changes without affecting the original video.

Adjust Exposure: Adjust the exposure to control the brightness of your video. You can use the waveform monitor to help get accurate exposure levels.

Adjust Contrast: Adjust the contrast to control the difference between the light and dark areas of your video.

Adjust Saturation: Adjust the saturation to control the intensity of the colors in your video. Increasing saturation makes the colors more vibrant, while decreasing saturation makes the colors more muted.

Color Balance: Adjust the color balance to control the overall color mix in your video. This can help to correct any color casts or to create a specific mood.

Apply a Look or LUT: Apply a color grading preset or Look-Up Table (LUT) to quickly achieve a specific look. This is optional and depends on the look you want to achieve.

Fine-Tune: Fine-tune your adjustments as needed. It’s often helpful to toggle your adjustments on and off to compare with the original video.

Export Video: Once you’re happy with the color grading, export your video.

Remember, color grading is a subjective process and it’s all about achieving the look and feel that you want for your video. It takes practice and experimentation to get good at it. Happy editing!


Creating a thumbnail for a Valorant montage video involves several elements:

Gameplay Image: Use an exciting image from your Valorant gameplay. This could be a character in action, a dramatic moment, or a cool ability being used.

Text: Include the title of your video or a catchy phrase that grabs attention. Make sure the text is large and clear enough to be read even when the thumbnail is small.

Color and Contrast: Use colors and contrast to make your thumbnail stand out. Valorant has a distinctive color palette that you can use to your advantage.

Branding: If you have a logo or a specific style for your videos, include it in your thumbnail to create consistency and aid recognition.

Teaser: If there’s a particularly exciting moment in your montage, tease it in your thumbnail to pique interest.

Remember, a thumbnail is the first thing people see, so it should be engaging and accurately represent the content of your video.


AI was used to make thumbnails

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بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohannad M.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 9
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