تفاصيل العمل


This is an Android app built using Kotlin that showcases various features and libraries. The app allows users to explore the latest movies, get detailed information about them, and watch their trailers. Users can also like their favorite movies and download their posters and wallpapers. The application also supports dark and light themes and multiple languages.

Features :

Explore the Upcoming, Popular, and Trends Movies

Get detailed descriptions of the movies.

Get Related movies.

Like your favorite movies.

Get movie trailers within the application.

Download movie posters and wallpapers.

Download cast profile images.

Search for movies.

Support dark/light themes.

Support multiple languages.

Cache movie data to show when mobile goes offline.

API Level 26+

Built With

Kotlin: First class and official programming language for Android development.

KTX: Kotlin extensions for Android, providing concise and idiomatic APIs.

Coroutines: Asynchronous programming library for simplifying background operations.

Flow: Reactive stream library for asynchronous and data-driven programming.

Retrofit/OkHttp3: Networking libraries for making HTTP requests.

Room: Persistence library for local database storage.

Dagger-Hilt: Dependency injection library for Android.

Navigation Component: Android Jetpack's library for navigating between screens.

ViewModel-ktx: Part of the Android Architecture Components for managing UI-related data.

WorkManager-KTX: Library for performing background work in a flexible and efficient way.

Splash Screen: Library for creating splash screens on Android.

Media3 ExoPlayer: Media playback library for Android.

Sandwich: A lightweight and easy-to-use wrapper for Retrofit API calls.

Coil: Image loading library for Android apps.

Lottie: Animation library for Android.

VeilLayout: Library for showing shimmering loading placeholders.

PhotoView: Zoomable image view library for Android.

SmoothBottomBar: Customizable and animated bottom navigation bar library.

ShapeOfView: Library for creating various shapes for views in Android.

SparkButton: Customizable and animated button library.

SpringView: Pull-to-refresh and load-more library for Android.

Security-Crypto: Library for encryption and decryption on Android.

Kotlin YouTubeExtractor: Library for extracting YouTube video links.

KenBurnsView: Customizable Ken Burns effect view library for Android.

MotionLayout: Library for creating and managing motion and widget animation in Android.

ViewBinding: This feature allows you to write code that interacts with views more easily.

Material Design Components: Library for implementing Material Design UI components

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mohamed E.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 20
تاريخ الإضافة
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