تفاصيل العمل

Node.js Social Network API.

Overview of project:

1. User Authentication and Authorization:

The API provides secure user authentication and authorization mechanisms. It allows users to sign up, log in, and manage their accounts. Authentication ensures that only authorized users can access protected resources and perform actions within the application.

2. Profile Creation and Management:

Users can create and manage their profiles within the social network. They can customize their profile information, including profile pictures, personal details, interests, and more. The API enables users to update their profiles and view other users' profiles.

3. Posts and Comments Functionality:

The project includes features for creating, editing, and deleting posts. Users can share content, such as text, images, or videos, with their network. Additionally, users can comment on posts, facilitating conversations and interactions within the social network.

4. Like and Dislike System:

The API incorporates a like and dislike system for posts. Users can express their interest and engagement by liking or disliking posts, allowing them to interact and show their preferences.

5. Follow and Unfollow Users:

The social network API enables users to follow other users and receive updates from their activities. Users can choose to follow specific individuals or unfollow them as per their preferences. This feature fosters connections and interactions among users.

6. Search Functionality:

The project includes a powerful search functionality that allows users to discover other users within the social network

7. Marketplace:

The API incorporates a marketplace feature, allowing users to buy and sell products or services within the social network. Users can create listings for their offerings, set prices, provide descriptions, and upload images. Other users can browse and search for items of interest, make purchases

8. Friends Functionality:

The project includes a friends feature that enables users to connect with each other and build their network of friends. Users can send friend requests, accept or decline incoming requests, and manage their list of friends. This feature fosters social connections and enables users to stay connected with their close circle.

9. Unit Testing:

to verify the behavior and correctness of various API endpoints, functions, and modules

The Node.js Social Network API is built using popular technologies such as Node.js, Typescript, Express.js, MongoDB, Mocha, and Mongoose. These technologies provide a solid foundation for scalability, performance, and ease of development.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Abdulrahman I.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 8
تاريخ الإضافة

المهارات المستخدمة