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More than 100 fact about animals

Did you know that the blue whale is the largest animal in the world, 30 meters long, and weighs 170 tons

Did you know that the lung of the blue whale has a capacity of 5000 liters of air and that its heart is the size of a car, and its tongue weighs about 2.7 tons

Did you know that when born, during the first seven months of his life, he drinks about 400 liters of milk every day

Did you know that the hedgehog sleeps for a full 6 months and wakes up 6 months too, it only activates in the summer and disappears completely when entering the winter

Did you know that the hunter cheetah is the fastest wild animal to run on the sprint and reaches a top speed of 120 kilometers per hour

Did you know that the sloth monkey is the slowest animal on Earth, and its top speed is 3 meters per minute, so it lives on trees, and only descends to the ground to urinate and defe once every eight days for fear of predation. But they are prone to predation while doing so

Did you know that the camel does not forget about his injustice, and he can be patient without drinking water for several weeks

Did you know that camel has the ability to drink sea water as the kidneys get rid of excess salts

Did you know that the crocodile is the largest reptile on earth and can live in water and land and kills its large prey by drowning them in water and preying even man

Did you know that the glaucoma neck has the same number of vertebrae as the human neck

Did you know that Scorpio dies if he approaches the fire

Did you know that a crocodile can never get its tongue out of its mouth. And his leather is one of the most expensive types of leather in the world

Did you know that the mosquito has teeth called sharp heads

Did you know that the number of rabbit teeth is 28 teeth, the number of elephant teeth is 32 teeth, the number of camel teeth is 34 years old, and the number of dog teeth is 42 teeth

Did you know that the only animal whose voice does not resonate is the duck and the inability of science to know the explanation so far

Did you know that frogs die if they try to open their mouth by force because they can't breathe and their mouth is open

Did you know that some fish that live in the deep sea and oceans are blind not seen

Did you know that a horse can stay on its feet for a whole month

Did you know that the crocodile is the only animal that moves the upper jaw during eating, while the rest of the organisms move their lower jaw while eating and not the upper ones

Did you know that wild foxes and cats always live in the desert, and that cheetahs and tigers are just visitors who do not venture to enter the desert except in the case of searching for prey only

Did you know that elephants can smell a human from half a kilometer away

Did you know that the only bird that can move the beaker up and down is the parrot, while the rest of the birds can move only one beak

Did you know that the owl is the only bird that can move its head to the right and left at 360 degrees

Did you know that a dog can hear clock beats from 40 feet away

Did you know that when a lion is hungry his light can be heard 5 kilometers away

Did you know that the lines of the zebra (zebra) act as a natural repellent for spice flies and the tsetse fly that causes sleep and coma, and these lines are not similar from one donkey to another like the fingerprints of the human.

Did you know that the blue whale makes sounds inside the water, similar to the sound of a storm, to communicate with the rest of the blue whales and can be heard from a distance of several kilometers

Did you know that the newborn of man is the only one who cries at birth, while the births of all animals slip from her mother's belly and fall to the ground in complete tranquility

Did you know that cats are afraid of water so they do not take a shower and if they are forced to bathe violently and cruelly and often injure their pregnant woman

Did you know that the snake after being beheaded stays for several days, and if a third of it is cut down it lives until that part grows again

Did you know that chick is blind when it searches for a place in the egg to break it and get it out of it to life and that stems from its inner instinct

Did you know that the elephant is the only animal that can't jump

Did you know that a newborn panda bear is smaller than a mouse

Did you know that spider strands are 5 times stronger than steel

Did you know that the gorilla is the largest monkey in the world that expresses its sadness like a human being

Did you know that an ant can carry 50 times more weight

Did you know that the elephant is the only animal with four knees on its four legs?

Did you know that the octopus has three hearts, two of which pump blood to the gills, while the third pumps blood to the rest of the body

Did you know that the turtle is the longest-lived animal, where it can live up to 188 years

Did you know that the first human domestic animal is goats

Did you know that the Shaheen or the mobile falcon is the fastest moving bird in the world, as its speed during pounce on the Pharisee can reach 389 kilometers per hour

Did you know that jellyfish are the most poisoned animal in nature

Did you know that crocodiles can live for several months without food, and may reach 3 years in extreme cases

Did you know that it is the male seahorse that carries the little ones, not the female

Did you know that a slow-paced water bear is the only animal that can live in space

Did you know that a Taejon animal is called in Arabic the Barsd, which is the result of the mating of the lion female with the tiger male

Did you know that a snake can bite even half an hour after it was beheaded?

Did you know that smooth amia can live outside the water and have the ability to breathe air out of water for up to five days

Did you know that the African bush elephant is the heaviest wild animal, up to 4 meters high, and weighing up to 7 tons

Did you know that bees die after they sting any object

Did you know that the black mamba snake is the longest poison snake in Africa with an average length of 2.5 meters and sometimes increases to 4.3 meters

Did you know that a kangaroo gets sick and dies if it drinks water

Did you know that there are more chickens in the world than humans

Did you know that Scorpio does not hear, smell, and does not see, but relies on acoustic vibrations and vibrations to know the direction of its prey

Did you know that the bat is the only “bird” that gives birth and does not bleach, and it is the only mammal that can fly

Did you know that sparrow milk is actually a nutritious liquid that some birds secrete from their mouths to feed their young before they become able to eat solid food

Did you know that the sperm whale is the largest toothed whale, and it is the only surviving species of the genus Amber

Did you know that if a fox is severely hungry, he makes a cunning trick where he is lying as if he is dead, so the bird comes and the bird gets on it to eat it. I also look

Did you know that a coca that lives in Western Australia is nicknamed a smile because of its smiling mouth shape.

Did you know that the Soviet dog Leica is the first animal to go into space

Did you know that the largest egg today in the world is the ostrich egg, weighing between 1 kilogram and 1.5 kilograms.

Did you know that only female mosquitoes feed on human blood because it is necessary for eggs to mature, while the male feeds on the juice of plants and floral nectar.

Did you know that the cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes urging water without affecting its life, so you can live in the streams of water

Did you know that musk is extracted from the chest of the deer

Did you know that the male fox only marries one female throughout his life and if she dies he remains single all his life but if the male dies the female is looking for a new male to bond

Did you know that when fully open, the blue whale mouth can accommodate up to 90 tons of food and water

Did you know that the crocodile is the owner of the strongest jaw between predators and pets

Did you know that octopus can change its color in less than a second to suit the environment in which it hides

Did you know that a snake uses its tongue to taste and smell together

Did you know that locusts devouring about 100 tons of green plants per kilometer of the swad per day

Did you know that the fly has four thousand lenses in each eye that enable it to see its surroundings in all directions

Did you know that the only object that can get his stomach out is a starfish

Did you know that some desert deer such as Reem and Adami can be patient with water for more than a week and for food for more than a month

Did you know that rockfish is the most toxic fish in the world

Did you know that elephantfish is the smartest and strangest little fish in the world

Did you know that an albatross can fly over the seas for long distances and travel thousands of kilometers in one flight without needing a single flap

Did you know that there are more than 32,000 species of fish in the sea

Did you know that an owl is the only bird that can look with both eyes at one target

Did you know that the dolphin is the smartest marine animals and the dog is the smartest wild animal, and the crow is the smartest bird. I also look

Did you know that the deer can jump up to 4 meters high

Did you know that the sperm whale has the largest brain of all creatures, and its weight is about five times the weight of the human brain

Did you know that the ant is a great architect who builds castles, forts, decalys, warehouses and rooms and builds entire underground cities

Did you know that the queen bee in each hive lays 1,500 - 2,000 eggs a day

Did you know that the giraffe is the longest wild animal, about 6 meters high from Earth.

Did you know that the body of the glass cat fish is so transparent that you can see through it.

Did you know that the crow is the smartest untrained bird and has the ability to use some tools to get food?

Did you know that elephants live standing for about 70 years and only sit when bathing in the mud

Did you know that the giraffe tongue is half a meter long

Did you know that the sperm whale can dive deep into the ocean up to 3 kilometers below the surface of the water

Did you know that jellyfish is one of the oldest animals on Earth that has existed for more than 700 million years

Did you know that the loudest sound of a bird is unique to the harp where its sound can be heard 3 kilometers away

Did you know that tarantula spiders can live for more than twenty years

Did you know that the lion is afraid of shouting cock early in the morning

Did you know that jellyfish evaporate if exposed to the sun because their bodies are made up of 95% water?

Did you know that the sperm whale has the strongest sound among all mammals on Earth

Did you know that the dolphin closes one eye when he sleeps

Did you know that female mosquitoes jump about 150 million jumps a year

tree?Did you know that cats are afraid of water so they don’t take a shower and run away from rain

Did you know that a newborn panda bear is smaller than a mouse

Did you know that the giraffe is the only animal that doesn’t make a sound where it doesn’t have vocal love

Did you know that honey bees never spoil even after thousands of years

Did you know that a crocodile can live (100) years

Did you know that the heart of the blue whale, despite its size, only beats about 25 beats per minute

Did you know that amber is extracted from the intestines of the sperm whale and is a valuable substance in the manufacture of the best and most expensive perfumes

Did you know that female flies lay more than five hundred eggs throughout her life

Did you know that when a blue whale dives deep into the oceans in search of food, its heartbeat can drop to approximately 4 to 8 beats per minute

Did you know that the Imperial Penguin doesn’t need to build nests to lay eggs? He warms the eggs and his little ones by keeping them on his legs and between his stomach, and he stays standing until the eggs hatch.

Did you know that sharks are the fastest marine animal, having teeth that act as sharp blades, and their hardness is like diamond hardness.

Did you know that a shark has a strong sense of smell and can sense the smell of one drop of blood in 100 thousand liters of water

Did you know that the shark does not sleep and does not stop moving from birth until its death? This is because his body, like other fish, is not equipped with airbags that help him breathe, as it depends on moving to pass water inside his mouth, where he crosses to the nostrils to breathe.

Did you know that marine scientists and bathyotes could only take pictures of shark teeth from just three meters away? Because it is terrifying to see piles and monolithic dands of cut pointed teeth, of various sizes and shapes, including flat ones capable of smashing sea snails and grasshoppers, and including long pointed ones that are designed to cut the dismember any fish or marine organism of any size, but those dedicated to fighting marine mammals, they can bite

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