تفاصيل العمل

Library Book Management System


‣Efficiently manage the library's book inventory.

‣Track the availability, rental status, and sales status of each book.

‣Calculate the percentage of available, rented, and sold books.

‣Calculate the percentage of profits generated.

Main Flow:

‣The Library Owner or staff member logs into the Library Book Management System.

‣The system presents a dashboard displaying the overall book inventory statistics.

‣The Library Owner selects the option to manage book records.

‣The system displays a list of books with their current status (available, rented, or sold).

‣The Library Owner can perform the following actions:

‣Add a new book to the inventory by providing details such as title, author, genre, etc.

‣Update the status of a book (available, rented, or sold).

‣Remove a book from the inventory if it is no longer available.

‣The system recalculates the percentages of available, rented, and sold books based on the updates made.

‣The Library Owner can view the updated book inventory statistics on the dashboard, including the percentages.

‣The Library Owner can also view the overall profit generated by the library.

‣The system calculates the profit percentage based on the revenue from rented and sold books compared to the overall investment or cost.

‣The Library Owner can access detailed reports and analytics to gain insights into book trends, popular genres, etc.

Alternate Flows:

‣If a book is already rented, the system prompts the Library Owner to check the expected return date or extend the rental period.

‣If a book is sold, the system prompts the Library Owner to enter the sale price and update the profit calculations accordingly.

‣If a book is added to the inventory, the system prompts the Library Owner to enter the purchase details, including the cost price.

‣If a book is removed from the inventory, the system updates the percentages and profit calculations accordingly.

بطاقة العمل

اسم المستقل Mahmood A.
عدد الإعجابات 0
عدد المشاهدات 15
تاريخ الإضافة