A wordpress professional and dynamic website for Axle Engineering Co موقع احترافي لشركة اعمال انشاءات هندسية

تفاصيل العمل

A complete design and technical content creation for the company profile and website. Since I am an Engineer and possess a long track of extensive engineering experience, all the written content on the profile and website is my own creation. The website is Wordpress and it also has a cloud app installed called Nextcloud Hub and an accounting app called Front Accounting for initiating all the cost control, finance, procurement, invoicing and whatnot.

محتوي الموقع و البروفايل المكتوب الخاص بالشركة قمت بإنشائه بالكامل شاملا كافة التفاصيل الهندسية.

أيضا قمت بتصميم ملف تعريفي PDF للشركة متوفر بالملحقات

A creative professional company profile was also a part of the project with all the relevant details.

The following company policy were also designed and created:

Quality Manuals and work Procedures (Quality Assurance/Quality Control)

HSE Work Policy

Drugs and Alcohol work Policy & Regulations

Global Virus & Epidemics Work Regulations & Procedures

Job Safety Analysis Template

Safe Working Method Template

PPE Matrix Template

